Clinical Waste and Needles Used by Patients at Home
Clinical waste is healthcare waste which, unless rendered safe, may prove hazardous to any person who comes into contact with it. It should never be disposed of in a black refuse bin or your recycling bin.
What is clinical waste?
Clinical waste is classified as the following:
- human or animal tissue;
- blood or bodily fluids;
- human excretions;
- drugs or other pharmaceutical products;
- swabs or dressings;
- syringes, needles or other sharp instruments.
Household clinical waste
If an individual has medical treatment at home and needs to dispose of clinical waste, a free service is available to residents who provide a letter of authorisation by the following:
- doctor;
- district nurse;
- health visitor;
- home care assistant;
- hospital;
- social services.
On receipt of the letter, the resident will be contacted by the waste collection partner (ie Amey or Grundon) to confirm details and arrangements.
Information taken from: