CPAF Visits
Following recent CPAF visits, we have summarised some of the feedback which contractors may find useful.
Main Reasons for a CPAF Visit
- Data Security & Protection Toolkit not returned
- Initial CPAF screening questions not returned
- Workforce survey not completed
- GPhC visit
Preparing for a CPAF Visit – ensure you have the following clear, complete and available:
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) – signed SOPs for the following (showing the date of the last and next review):
- Dispensing
- Repeat dispensing
- DMS (plus details of the number of referrals received and how soon are they actioned)
- Support for self care
- Whistle blowing policy (ensure staff have contact details)
- Safeguarding (ensure staff are aware of the process)
Staff Information
- Roles
- Qualifications
- Induction programs for employed staff and Locum staff
- Staff references on employment (including locums)
Premises Information/Facilities
- Patient returns
- Prescription cost displayed
- Opening hours
- Clearly defined dispensary vs OTC
- Fridge
- CD cabinet
- Record Keeping
- Interventions
- Referrals to GP
- Refusal of prescriptions
- Self care
- Near miss log (how do you share findings of the near miss log i.e. communicating this to staff)
- Complaints procedure (ensure up to date ICB contact details available)
- Annual complaints report (ensure submitted)
- Safety alerts
- NHS mail (ensure at least 2 people have access and checked several times a day)
- NHS profile (ensure up to date and must be checked every quarter)