Drugs Awareness & SWOP Training – Oxfordshire

21st February 2019 10.00-14.30pm

Turning Point, Rectory Road, Oxford, OX4 1BU

Please note the change to the date and time of this event.  Lunch will now be provided.

Please note that pharmacists who provide needle exchange and supervised consumption services in Oxfordshire are contractually obliged to attend training provided by Turning Point at least once per year.

Turning Point will be delivering pharmacist training covering the following areas:

  • Drugs Awareness
  • Needle Syringe Programmes
  • Injecting sites and risks associated
  • Substitute Prescribing
  • Safeguarding
  • PharmOutcomes

A training grant of £500 is available for each pharmacy who attends. (Please note that this training is face-to-face and is different from the online training that pharmacy staff need to take provided by Oxfordshire’s needle supplier, Orion.)

To book email michael.robertson@turning-point.co.uk