BEAT – Bringing Experts in Anticoagulation Together
12th June 2018 10.00-15.30
Double Tree Hilton Swindon
Thames Valley Pharmacists are invited to the third BEAT South Central Anticoagulation Forum.
Following two well-received South Central meetings in 2017, the agenda for this event has been developed to address the most pressing educational needs in anticoagulation in our area, as identified by previous attendees and by the BEAT faculty. This meeting for the South Central region will provide you with the knowledge you need to support your patients. Nurse and pharmacist experts in anticoagulation will present on key topics in anticoagulation, while case study–based discussion sessions will offer the chance for you to apply your understanding to real-world situations. The day will also provide an invaluable opportunity for you to network with your peers and with anticoagulation experts.