HEE Pre-reg Trainee Pharmacy Technician Funding Webinar

23rd August 2021 10.00-11.30 or 19.00-20.30


Health Education England are delighted to announce funding to support the training of pre-registration trainee pharmacy technicians (PTPTs) as part of either a cross sector integrated programme or single sector training within community pharmacy.

They are looking to work with employers to support their development of pre-registration trainee pharmacy technician apprenticeships nationally across England.

How much funding is available?

  • £46,099 per PTPT over the 2-year apprenticeship training period.
  • Funding is intended to contribute to the cost of developing and running a two-year programme and may be used to contribute towards the cost of salary, educational supervision or establishing educational infrastructure.
  • The apprentice can be someone new to your team or an existing team member to upskill.

What do I need to do to be eligible for funding?

  • Be able to provide educational supervision from a GPhC registered pharmacy professional.
  • Complete a short on-line application with an overview of your proposed training programme.
  • Cross-sector applications must have formed a partnership that includes a minimum of two healthcare settings, at least one of which must be responsible for delivery of day-to-day patient-facing pharmacy services. Ideally, we would like to see partnerships that include general practice and primary care networks to continue workforce growth in this sector.

What other support is provided by HEE?

  • Support from a dedicated HEE pharmacy programme facilitator to support you develop your training programme and provide guidance throughout the 2-year training period.
  • Employer network meetings to share experience, practice and resources
  • A range of resources such as examples of job adverts, job descriptions and learning plans

To find out more, please follow the link below to register to attend the HEE Stakeholder Engagement Webinar – Monday 23 August 2021 (10am to 11.30am repeated at 7pm to 8.30pm)

Link to online registration form