Community Pharmacy Thames Valley Appoints New Chair!

We would like to congratulate Ian Dunphy on being elected as the Chair of the Community Pharmacy Thames Valley committee. With his vast experience and dedication to the field, Ian brings a wealth of knowledge and a vision for the future of community pharmacy.

Ian currently serves as the Superintendent Pharmacist of Hanborough Pharmacy in Oxfordshire and is the PCN lead for Eynsham and Witney. He is excited to embark on his journey to become an Independent Prescriber in 2025, with the support of his local GP surgery. Ian has been an active member of the LPC committee for five years, with the last three years as Treasurer.

Ian has dedicated 20 years to community pharmacy, primarily working for independent pharmacies and as a locum pharmacist in and around Oxford. His vision for the future, coupled with his dedication to continuous professional development, will undoubtedly strengthen our organization and leadership team. We look forward to the positive impact he will bring to our community and are excited for what the future holds under Ian’s leadership.