Alcohol & Smoking Training (Oxfordshire)
26th February 2020 9.30am–1.15pm
Jubilee House, John Smith Drive, Oxford Business Park South, Oxford OX4 2LH
Alcohol and Smoking – How to deliver Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) Training – is being offered by Oxfordshire County Council, in partnership with Solutions4Health and The Alcohol Academy.
This free half day training will take place from 9.30am–1.15pm on/at:
Wednesday 26 February 2020 – Jubilee House, John Smith Drive, Oxford Business Park South, Oxford OX4 2LH
- IBA is a simple but effective ‘brief intervention’ for people whose alcohol use may be harmful to their health often without them realising.
- For smoking, ‘brief advice’ can also be effective for engaging smokers with stop smoking services.
- Around 25% of all adults drink at levels that could be placing their health or wellbeing at risk – most are simply not aware!
- IBA helps to identify risky drinking before it becomes a more serious problem such as dependency – prevention is better than cure!
- Alcohol misuse & smoking costs society around £35 billion each year!
- Smokers who engage with professional support are around four times more likely to successfully quit.
Is it evidence-based?
- Yes! There is a very large body of research evidence supporting brief interventions for alcohol and smoking!
- NICE recommends NHS professionals routinely carry out both wherever an opportunity presents.
- The training is suitable for health professionals working within Oxfordshire and any other front line roles in contact with people specifically in Oxfordshire.
- The training is particularly suited to: GPs, practice nurses, HCAs, midwives, sexual health staff, health visitors, school nurses, A&E staff, youth workers, community safety roles and many more.
Course outcomes
By completing an IBA training course, participants will have developed an understanding of:
- A background to the way alcohol is used in UK society and the range of harms it can cause
- Understanding your role in IBA and smoking advice
- Delivery of IBA to reduce risky or harmful alcohol use
- Knowing how and when to refer someone to services
- Key engagement and motivational skills
The training is aligned to DANOS competencies, including: AH10 Employ techniques to help individuals to adopt sensible drinking behaviour.
Book your place via Eventbrite –