Foundation Training Year 2021/22 Webinar
29th June 2021 19.00-20.00
Webinar: Reforms to the Initial Education and Training of Pharmacists – Foundation Training Year 2021/22
The GPhC, NHSE&I and Health Education England (HEE) will be jointly hosting this webinar exploring how the Initial Education and Training reform programme will be implemented in the 2021/2022 Foundation Training Year (the new name for the pre-registration training year). This webinar is aimed at community pharmacy employers and leads, educators and training providers.
The webinar will be co-hosted by: Mark Voce (Director of Education and Standards, GPhC), Nick Haddington (Pharmacy Dean for the South West, Thames Valley and Wessex, HEE), Helen Porter (Pharmacy Dean for London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, HEE) and Richard Cattell (Deputy Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, NHS England and NHS Improvement).
The revised Standards for the Initial Education and Training of Pharmacists (IETP) were published in January 2021, and all training sites are required to use the new interim learning outcomes for the Foundation Training Year 2021/22.
In the revised standards for IETP, the GPhC have set out the responsibilities of Health Education England in the quality management and design of the Foundation Training Year.
In this webinar the GPhC, NHSE/I and HEE will set out the collaborative approach that is being taken to support all training sites with understanding and working with the important changes introduced by the new standards.
In conjunction with stakeholders, HEE has been rapidly developing a Foundation Training Year offer for all training sites in England for 2021/22, which includes:
- The HEE Assessment Strategy
- The Foundation Pharmacist e-portfolio
- Online learning resources
This offer is designed to support all training sites in England to assess trainee pharmacists against the new interim learning outcomes in a consistent, quality assured way – giving designated supervisors support to implement these changes and increased professional confidence in their role.
Joining instructions will be posted here when available.