Heart Failure Educational Meeting
10th July 2018 18.45-21.00
Maidenhead Holiday Inn, Manor Lane, Maidenhead, SL6 2RA
Thames Valley Pharmacists, Technicians, Pre-Reg’s and Locums are warmly invited to join us for an educational evening meeting on the subject of heart failure.
Dates and venues are as follows:
Tuesday 10th July, Holiday Inn, Manor Lane, Maidenhead – Speaker Dr Metaxa, Heart Failure Lead, Wexham
Wednesday 18th July, Holiday Inn, Peartree Roundabout, Oxford – Speaker Dr Gamble
A buffet will be served from 18.45 to 19.15 and the meeting will close around 21.00.
The full agenda and invitation is available here.
To book simply email your name(s) and pharmacy to office@cptv.org.uk.
This event is sponsored by Novartis.