Pharmacy Vision Engagement Events
26th January 2023 19.30-20.30
Work to develop a new vision and strategic options for community pharmacy is now well underway, being led by Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund. An online consultation to gather views from the sector closed last month with the submissions now being collated prior to being passed to Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund.
Engagement events
PSNC is also keen to talk to those who didn’t manage to fill in the consultation survey, to ensure the views of as many pharmacy contractors as possible can feed into the development of the vision. Any contractors who decided not to submit a written consultation response are therefore invited to attend one of our Pharmacy Vision engagement events in January.
The online events will last for one hour and will involve group discussions with members of the PSNC team and fellow contractors, focused on the questions asked in the online consultation.
Please register* below to attend:
Thursday 26th January 2023 19:30 – 20:30
*Please note: registration must be in advance, and by 3pm on the day of the event, at the latest.
A summary of the engagement events, along with the responses to the online consultation, will be shared with Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund – in anonymised form – to help inform their thinking as they develop the new vision and strategic options for community pharmacy.
Contractors will have a further opportunity later in the year to share their views on the future of the sector as part of the consultation on the initial report produced by Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund.