Polypharmacy – CPPE Focal Point
28th September 2016 19:30 - 21:00
Holiday Inn Basingstoke, Grove Road, Basingstoke, RG21 3EE
On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:
- explain the terminology associated with polypharmacy and what it means for patients and the healthcare team
- identify the causes and consequences of polypharmacy, in particular in relation to older people and the wider NHS
- describe how polypharmacy fits with the medicines optimisation agenda
- identify how you could use decision-making tools and strategies to support your practice
- use effective communication and consultation skills to undertake patient-centred discussions
- develop your own approach, relevant to your area of practice, to support patients on multiple medicines
- identify the common medicines that cause problematic polypharmacy and patient hospital admissions
- prioritise, in conjunction with the patient, what interventions to make by taking a holistic approach to optimising patient care.
To find out more see: https://www.cppe.ac.uk/programmes/l/polypharm-w-01
To book visit: https://www.cppe.ac.uk/store/checkout?e=44990