Ordering fidaxomicin 200mg tablets and fidaxomicin 40mg/ml granules for oral suspension

It has been highlighted that there have been a few patients who have not been able to fill their prescription for fidaxomicin at community pharmacies nearer to the weekend due to normal delivery schedules.

South Central Antimicrobial Network (SCAN) have been in discussions with the manufacturers of fidaxomicin who will now provide the following service.

Fidaxomicin tablets and fidaxomicin granules for oral suspension are available to order via Alliance Healthcare. 

Product Pack size PIP Code NHS price (£)
Fidaxomicin 200mg film-coated tablets 20 3709375 £1,350
Fidaxomicin 40 mg/ml granules for oral suspension 1 4214284 £1,350


In the event that fidaxomicin is required more urgently than would be supplied through the pharmacy’s normal standard service, an emergency ordering service is available.

To access this, please call Alliance customer service on 0330 100 0449 and enter your Alliance account number when prompted. You will be directed to the out of hours security company who will transfer your call to your local Alliance service centre.

Alliance will arrange a courier to deliver the medication within 12 hours. You will not be charged for using this emergency ordering service.

Should you have any difficulties in obtaining fidaxomicin, please contact Tillotts Commercial Team on ukcommercial@tillotts.com or call 07387 016169.