Oxfordshire Smoking Cessation Survey

Oxfordshire County Council are carrying out a health needs assessment about stop smoking and tobacco control in Oxfordshire and are very keen to gather the views of people who:

  • run and deliver stop smoking services, projects, or initiatives in Oxfordshire
  • refer or signpost to services in Oxfordshire
  • are professionals or independent sector volunteers working with groups of people who may be smokers and would like to know how to support a quit/reduction in harm from smoking
  • commissioners of services that support people
  • parents/carers who smoke

Below is a link to a survey to gather your views and experiences about stop smoking services in Oxfordshire and how you think they can be improved. The survey will take up to around 15 minutes to complete and you don’t need to answer all the questions. They very much appreciate your time to fill in the survey.  Below is a QR code, which will also take you to the survey.

Please click here to complete the survey