Pharmacy and Primary Care Networks (PCNs) – an Opportunity for Change

22nd July 2020 20.00-21.00


Primary care networks (PCNs) are an important part of the NHS England Long–Term Plan . PCNs provide pharmacy with opportunities for new roles and integrated services. The RPS believes that PCNs provide an opportunity for all healthcare professionals to work across the systems to provide the best care they can to patients and the public and ensure they get the best outcomes from the interventions and treatments provided.


Learn from the positive change and new ways of working that happened in response to the pandemic within different PCNs and explore how this could build a better future for pharmacy in your area. Join this RPS webinar co-hosted by RPS Thames Valley and Thames Valley LPC to;


  1. Find out more about primary care networks and hear how they have improved joint working and integrated care.
  2. Hear about the positive changes that have occurred during the pandemic response for pharmacists in community, GP practice and care homes in PCNs that can be applied in other areas
  3. Explore new opportunities for pharmacists and pharmacy services to improve the health of their communities through PCNs
  4. Hear about the new RPS Policy Shaping the future of pharmacy for a sustainable NHS

This event will be of interest to pharmacists in all settings with an interest in PCNs and will be open to all contractors and pharmacists in Thames Valley and RPS members in England

The importance of PCNs for community pharmacy is detailed in the PSNC website

Chair, Heidi Wright RPS England Policy and Practice Lead

Panel members

  • Dr Jim O’Donnell, Clinical Lead of Slough Locality
  • Robert Bradshaw MRPharmS Chair of Thames Valley Superintendent of Frosts Pharmacy
  • Prabhjot Reen Clinical Pharmacist Farnham GP Practice
  • Brendon Jiang MRPharmS Senior PCN Clinical Pharmacist CLICK Primary Care Network, RPS English Pharmacy Board

Please book here


Dr Jim O’Donnell’s Biography – Dr Jim O’Donnell, GP Partner and Principal, Locality Lead for Slough within East Berkshire’s Clinical Commissioning Group and the Frimley Commissioning Collaborative and member of the Frimley ICS Board.

Dr O’Donnell completed his GP training in Portsmouth and throughout his career has been interested in clinical governance and education. He sits on the Frimley Integrated Care System Board, is Deputy Chair of the Slough Wellbeing Board and Co-Chair of the Slough Health and Care Partnership Board. In the past he held a cardiology post at Wexham Park Hospital and worked in the pharma industry on novel treatments for ischaemic heart disease. He is a Founder Champion for Thames Hospice in Windsor and a huge advocate for pharmacists. He is passionate about person centred care, developing leaders and challenging all health care providers to know your communities and address health and social inequalities.