Sole Survivor: A Guide to Podiatric Dermatology
29th November 2022 19.00-20.00
Dr Ivan Bristow discusses a range of common and important foot problems and their management, including fungal infections, skin conditions and tumours.
Speaker Profile
Dr Ivan Bristow is a podiatrist in the UK who have worked in the professions for thirty years. After working in the NHS for 11 years, Ivan established the UK’s first dedicated foot clinic in a dermatology department – which he ran for ten years. After leaving the health service he embarked on an academic career focused on teaching and research and gained his Masters from Oxford University and his PhD from the University of Southampton. Ivan has over 10 published papers, including 4 books and currently holds private clinics in Hampshire whilst continuing to work on education and research projects.
The meeting is sponsored by Aspire Pharma.