BOB ICB PERT Shortage Local Action

In response to the national shortage of Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy (PERT) and the National Patient Safety Alerts (NPSA) issued 24 May and 18 December 2024, please see the following document bob-icb-pancreatic-enzyme-replacement-therapy-shortage-local-action.pdf which is available on the BOB ICB website and  has been developed with your  input.

This local document contains information for primary care clinicians, community pharmacists and patients to minimise the impact of the shortage, which is likely to continue into 2026.

It provides:

  • links to resources to identify equivalent and alternative products for patients currently taking any UK licensed PERT.
  • details of how to prescribe and access an imported product Pangrol® which is an alternative brand to Creon®, for patients who are unable to access stock from their community pharmacy or dispensing GP.
  • Contact details for specialist teams within the ICB
  • information for patients

Please familiarise yourself with the content of this document and share with colleagues who may be contacted by patients requesting PERT.

If you have any questions, please contact the Medicines Optimisation Team at