Unplanned Service Suspension Notifications and changes to supplementary hours
Unplanned Service Suspension Notifications can now be done via MYS Portal
NHS England has introduced the Manage Your Service (MYS) portal for notifying unplanned temporary service suspensions. Pharmacy owners must have a business continuity plan for such suspensions and notify the Integrated Care Board (ICB) when they occur. The MYS portal allows digital notifications and entries can be updated for 7 days post-submission. While the MYS portal is optional, hard-copy notifications via Annex 18 on the NHS England website are still accepted. For more details, visit the NHS England website.
Changes to supplementary hours
Please note that to change your pharmacy opening hours at least five weeks’ notice must be given by pharmacy contractors. If you are seeking to reduce the total number of supplementary opening hours you are required to inform the integrated care board. For confirmation of your pharmacy hours contact: frimleyicb.southeastcommunitypharmacy@nhs.net.