Independent Contractor Committee Member – LPC Election 2025
We have a vacancy for an LPC Committee Member representing Independent Contractors.
If you would like to stand, please complete and return the attached nomination form, or complete the online version (click here) by 12 noon on Friday, 14th February 2025. If there are more nominations than places available, there will be an election and voting papers will be distributed to eligible contractors. Accompanying the voting paper will be the information taken from the shaded boxes on the nomination form to provide voters with information on each of the candidates.
Other places on the LPC committee are filled by nominations from the Company Chemists’ Association (CCA) and Association of Independent Pharmacies Association (IPA) and consequently neither candidates nor nominators may be representatives of member companies of the CCA or IPA.
More information about the LPC and the role of committee members can be found in the CPE – LPC New Members Guide. If you would like to discuss the role in more detail or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact:
David Dean
Chief Officer
Community Pharmacy Thames Valley
07702 209197