Local Formulary
The local formularies are available here:
- Buckinghamshire Formulary
- Oxfordshire Formulary
- Berkshire West Formulary (includes the traffic light status of drugs locally and gives access to local policies etc.)
- East Berkshire/Frimley Formulary
The South Central Antimicrobial Network (SCAN), which includes Frimley/East Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West, publish their antibiotic guidelines on the Microguide Platform, available online or as an App:
- To access online go to Eolas Medical
- To download the app on the App Store (Apple) or from Google Play (Android), search “Microguide”. When setting up the app, ensure you select “South Central Antimicrobial Network” as your Medical Organisation.
To ensure that you have the most up-to-date version it is recommended you use the web version or download the Microguide app rather than saving a pdf or printing the guidelines.