Whistleblowing Policy
All contractors should have a whistleblowing policy (as required by the Terms of Service) but, if not, a template is available on the CPE website. One of the new steps expected of contractors is to appoint a Freedom to Speak Up Guardian – who should be independent of the contractor’s line management chain and not the contractor themselves. For some contractors this may be difficult and so the LPC has agreed that the Chief Officer, David Dean, will be available to take on the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian role if a contractor requests this. To do this please click here for the Nomination Form.
The updated CPE guidance is at http://cpe.org.uk/contract-it/psnc-briefings-pharmacy-contract-and-it/psnc-briefing-02017-psnc-briefing-02017-psncs-guidance-to-contractors-on-whistleblowing-updated/